Thursday, December 18, 2008

Essay #1

Madness in great ones must not unwatched go.

Madness, in general, shall not go unwatched. In today's world, society has been involved with many events with the cause of madness. Everything from serial killers, leaders and the normal people can never be taken for granted. Madness can control a person's mind, body and sense. Madness shall be watched in all ages, great ones, and even checks and balances.

Madness can take over any age. Some young, some old. Either way, society needs to keep a close watch. Children and teenagers of all ages can grow up to be in the state of madness. It depends on how their home life has been affected. For example, Ottis Toole, an infamous serial killer, who had a tough early life, became affected when he was only young. Matter of fact, he ended a man's life at the age of fourteen. When a child doesn't get the attention and support
he needs, he can become "mad." Ottis Toole's mother was drunk, disowned him as a child and was sold for one bottle of alcohol. These events caused the upbringing of a monster.

Great ones can have madness and need to be watched vigorously. In our past times, the world has been manipulated by many great leaders. Hitler, a German leader, is a great example. He guiltly murdered millions of innocent people coming from jewish decent, homosexuals and mentally disfunctionally people. Also, Suddam Hussein, who also murdered thousands of innocent iraqis. These two "mad men" should have not gone unwatched. Suddam Hussein dictatored for more than 20 years and was never watched. To the press he was a bad dictator. Behind the scenes, he was still a bad dictator but also was murdering innocent lives without anyone watching.

A dictator is a person who has full power over a government. Checks and balances keep one person from having all the power of a certain government. In the United States, our government has checks and balances. They are known as the judicial, executive and legislative powers. Each sector has its own responsiblities and pwer. Not one is has more and greater power over the other. An example of no checks and balances is Suddham Hussein. Suddham ruled as a dictator, having all the powers of the government. He turned Iraq into a "hellhole." If checks and balances were in order for that type of government, there would have been seperated powers. Suddham Hussein would not have been able to murder innocent lives.

Madness can come in all shapes and sizes and can come in at any age and should never be unwatched. Also, "Great Ones" can become mad with power and take advantage of properties they control. All madness should be watched for.

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