Thursday, May 7, 2009

Community Service Essay

Helping others is a big key in today's society and is a fantastic virtue to have. When you help others, you don't only make them feel better, you make yourself feel better also. Volunteer work is a big part of our world today. Without it, a lot of things would not get accomplished. With that, comes community service. Community service is defined by as being services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions. Community service impacted my self-being drastically and makes me want to volunteer for more.

Volunteering for community service can make a big difference in one's life. Especially when one is needing help from others when he cannot manage to take care of himself. For example, Corben Brooks is a football player and student at Mt. Shasta who was injured in a football scrimmage. He is now paralyzed from the neck down and his parents needed help. With this, our football team, all who volunteered their time freely, decided to make a contribution. Our football program decided to hold a car wash for the Brooks' family and make a competition with Central Valley to see who can raise more money. When the day came, everybody was their an hour early to start raising money. It was a great experience in the thought that people who didn't even know Corben Brooks, were working hard to raise money for his cause. With my perspective, I had a great life experience because I saw a community of people help out another person who was not part of their community. When a tragic accident occurs like Corben's, I have noticed that people do have good in their hearts and will contribute to the cause.

My time spent with community service taught me a lot about myself. In the fact that many people need help and I will definitely be there for them. When I was participating in my community service I noticed that I was making a big differee in someone's life. For instance, I helped on the Oiler workday and we had to clear out a huge irrigation sytem for this ranch. Without the irrigation system cleared out, the ranch would not be able to distribute water to it's cattle and agriculture. Our football team and I realized that without our help, the ranchers would have to do the work of 60 people. We felt good about ourselves in that we helped a small community in their time of need.

When I helped out at the blood drive, I found out a lot about helping others. For instance, when I saw students and teachers giving blood, I thought to myself that these people were going to save lives. Helping others is a good dead to accomplish. When one helps out someone else, it makes them feel better about themselves. Many people in the world need help and people to reach out to these people.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pakistan Education

When half the country of Pakistan can only read and write, when one out of three children do not attend school, when one-third drop out of school by the fifth grade, a nation will not develop. Many factors of illiteracy can halt a nations development. This lack of education can make the whole world in effect. For example, if this country cannot develop, how can the world improve and be better educated. When the boys in Pakistan are only being taught religion and not sciences and other necessities of survival, they are not learning how to survive in the real world. Sure they'll be learning about their religion, but that's all! And, when girl's aren't even getting an education, how will they survive? The nation of Pakistan is uneducated and if still on the brink of illiteracy, will not be a developed nation.

Hero of Star Wars

The Hero of Star Wars is Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is the hero because he is the one person who brings all the pieces together to stop the Imperial Forces. He is also the main charcter with a supporting cast. His supporting case is Han Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, R2-D2 and C3PO. Han Solo and Chewbacca help Luke out by providing an escape from Tatooine in a space ship. Obi Wan Kenobi is part of the supportive cast because he is teaching Luke Skywalker how to become a better Jedi Knight. Kenobi helps Luke with lots of training techniques. The droids help Luke by getting them into high-profiled places and getting through places they are not aware of. Luke mentor is Obi Wan Kenobi. He is because, like I said, Obi Wan teaches Luke how to become a better Jeid Knight and takes him through the tricks of the trade. Luke has changed because in the beginning he was just another "stable boy" and now he is a profound Jedi Knight and saved the Rebel Alliance from destruction.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Image Catastrophe

The family should definitely win their legal battle because not someone who was in a car and arrived on the scene took and sent the pictures, it was the COPS who sent the picture!!!! The cops, the lawmakers and do-gooders of our nation sent the pictures. This shows that even our legal system can falter.
I would feel the same. It would be a constant reminder of the person we lost. I couldn't deal with it!
It needs to be fettered for the family sakes. The loss of a child is hard enough, but to deal with it everyday, a constant reminder would just be too hard.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day? It exists?

The writer of this article is correct. No one cares about Earth Day and no one is doing anything about it. About 40 years ago, it was a good idea to get people motivated, but 40 years later the snooze is on. He is totally correct in the fact that Earth is creating more problems every minute and it is getting harder to motivate people to help the Earth.

I honestly did not know Earth Day was today. I haven't heard anything about it that it was coming up. My family and I recycle, pick up trash and try to be more econmic suitable.

Monday, April 6, 2009

8 Things to Not Learn In School

The one thing I learned in school is to not be too smart. My freshmen year, I came into high school wanting to expand my horizon and take in everything I wanted to. People told me not to take Algebra 2 my freshmen year so I was stuck in Geometry. I aced Geometry and didn't have a problem, but when I went into Algebra 2, I sort of forgot everything I learned in 8th grade.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Internet Pirating

If the U.S. follows the same rules, I would be screwed. I have Utorrent and I have been using it for about 2 months. It would affect the U.S. because a lot more people would not be able to get these free downloads for entertainment purposes because of the economy. But, however, artists, authors and musicians would be getting more money because there would be no illegal pirating and everybody would get the money they deserve.

Intellectual Property is a person's creation. If somebody gets it from trafficing, the creator loses money. It is important because it is a person's creation and they should be able to get eh money they worked for it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why Washington Worries

From this article, the reasons for the difficulties with foreign relations are that George W. Bush and his committee made it harder for us to deal with those foreign policies. What makes it so tough is that George Bush has put America in a position where we cannot just leave other countries to fend for themselves. We have committed to make an obligation to help out the other countries. If we don't help a certain country, then another will take action and start making nuclear bases and weapons. Just like Iran, Russia supplies Iran with the supplies it needs to create nuclear threats.

Pres. Obama needs to keep on the road he is going and change foreign policy. He needs to because, like the article said, if we keep going in the direction we are going, we will have a system that won't work, against a threat that doesn't exist, paid for with money that we don't have." (Financial Time''s Gideon Rachman.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More arcticles,8599,1815241,00.html

This article is asking the question, what are animals used for in testing? The article answers that animals are used for security and efficiency. They are used for experiments and to see if they can withstand the product.

The article is about Logan County debating about using cats and dogs from the pounds to test on for tick and flea control products. But the county subjected the proposal and said no to animal testing in Logan County.,8599,1815241,00.html

these two sites would not come up on the school computers....and i really want to use these ones.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Summary of Animal Testing Articles

The first article talks about how three U.S. agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Toxicology Program and the National Institutes of Health) are thinking about ending animal testing. They say in it very ineffective and not a safe environment for aninmals to be in. With this researched article, they have researched that testing on animals is unsafe and an ineffective process because animals react differently than humans do. The conversion of this act is going to take about ten years. Also, to test 2,500 compounds, it can take up to 30 years!!!

The second article is arguing if animal tsting is right or wrong. It argues that animal testing is dangerous and does not give the right results. It also argues that animal testing has helped medical issues for many centuries. Like, the vaccine for polio, development for penicilin, and organ transplants.

Monday, February 23, 2009

California and a Quick Comeback?

From reading this article, I believe that California will not be able to make a quick comeback and it is going to take a lot of work and cooperation from our government and its people to make it happen. The writer believes that California needs to have new government officials. He believes that our governor now is doing nothing to save our state. He believes that our government right now cannot make the right decisions to have Cailfornia survive this recession and that we need a government that can make the right decisions for our state. I agree fully because the unemployment rate is only going rise and many people are not going to have jobs, hospitals are losing money, schools are getting budget cuts and our state's budget is decreasing. I believe and agree fully to this writers acknowledgments.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

State Budget Passed

The State could not come up with a 2/3 approval for the budget but with a little compromising to get a Republican to vote, they had to eliminate a .12 cent gasoline tax increase, also small businesses will be given tax breaks, as will some parts of the movie industry. The budget contains $15 billion in spending cuts, $12.8 billion in temporary tax increases, $11.4 billion in new borrowing, and the creation of a $1 billion reserve fund.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best Movie of 2008

There were a lot of great movies in 2008, but the one that caught my eye the most was Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood is an excecptional actor/producer/direcot. (Yes he was the producer and director). With this being his last movie, you can really see he went ball's out. The great thing about this movie is that it was funny, suspenseful, sad, happy, great life lessons and depressing. It had all the genres. I loved it! Once it comes out, I am definitely buying it!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama

On January 20, 2009, President Obama gave a speech, a speech that will go down in this history books. He said that this is a New Era of responsibility in difficult times. I will have to agree with this statement. Our America is in a time of financial crisis and needs more security with our money.

Nationally, our country is hurting fiscally. We are in so much dept. Obama's statement is correct in the fact that our country is going to have to take on different responsibilities. These responsibilities include being more careful with our financial deposits, being more weary of stocks, etc.)

Locally, I see a lot of my close family friends losing jobs and moving out of their houses, that they worked so hard and so long to have, just because they did not take care of their money well enough. This is sad to see, but it is not just happening here, it is happening all over the U.S. There is so much more responsibilities now that money is low. People need to take care of their fiscal better.

Personally, I need to start saving money for the future. My responsibilities are to not to buy things I don't need. Only things I need to survive. Also, I know these are difficult times, so I need to get the best education I can so I don't have to be one the people who gets kicked out of their house, a person making well over minimum wage.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamlet as a character

I believe that Hamlet is a victim of circumstance. Hamlet's father was brutally murdered by his Uncle. Hamlet is incapable of action because his Uncle is the king and his Uncle has all the power and loyalty from his country. I believe that Hamlet is confused between intelligence and insanity. Hamlet lost his father and knows that his Uncle murdered him. Also, he is a very bright person. So with that in fact, I believe that Hamlet is smart and intelligent, but, can be a the brink of insanity.