Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best Movie of 2008

There were a lot of great movies in 2008, but the one that caught my eye the most was Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood is an excecptional actor/producer/direcot. (Yes he was the producer and director). With this being his last movie, you can really see he went ball's out. The great thing about this movie is that it was funny, suspenseful, sad, happy, great life lessons and depressing. It had all the genres. I loved it! Once it comes out, I am definitely buying it!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama

On January 20, 2009, President Obama gave a speech, a speech that will go down in this history books. He said that this is a New Era of responsibility in difficult times. I will have to agree with this statement. Our America is in a time of financial crisis and needs more security with our money.

Nationally, our country is hurting fiscally. We are in so much dept. Obama's statement is correct in the fact that our country is going to have to take on different responsibilities. These responsibilities include being more careful with our financial deposits, being more weary of stocks, etc.)

Locally, I see a lot of my close family friends losing jobs and moving out of their houses, that they worked so hard and so long to have, just because they did not take care of their money well enough. This is sad to see, but it is not just happening here, it is happening all over the U.S. There is so much more responsibilities now that money is low. People need to take care of their fiscal better.

Personally, I need to start saving money for the future. My responsibilities are to not to buy things I don't need. Only things I need to survive. Also, I know these are difficult times, so I need to get the best education I can so I don't have to be one the people who gets kicked out of their house, a person making well over minimum wage.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamlet as a character

I believe that Hamlet is a victim of circumstance. Hamlet's father was brutally murdered by his Uncle. Hamlet is incapable of action because his Uncle is the king and his Uncle has all the power and loyalty from his country. I believe that Hamlet is confused between intelligence and insanity. Hamlet lost his father and knows that his Uncle murdered him. Also, he is a very bright person. So with that in fact, I believe that Hamlet is smart and intelligent, but, can be a the brink of insanity.